background check to specifically what the issue is whether that's evenly kirng the background the case scheck check or your dui is a problem because i run a trucking business. the employers provide them with the information and the employee can show a record of inaccuracy or other mitigating factors. the employers have the opportunity to decide not to hire someone but we do ask they do a direct related analysis that's spelled out in the ordinance to take a look at the conviction and the type you have job their applying for if you have a commercial trucking company you may not want someone who's been convict of a dui because of the job and the type of conviction but some other convictions may not be a problem. we spent a great amount of time on the provisions of the ordinance with the small business community and with the chamber of commerce. you'll see that the l s c is the enforcing agency. so if there's a box on your application you ask someone to disclose their background and after a significant amount of conversation one of the things an additional requirement that looks at whether or not