far automotive supplier continentals net profits slumped 41 percent in the 2nd quarter competitors scheffler and boss lowered earnings expectations as well some firms even slipped into the red steel companies are struggling with falling demand to tis uncalled for example is expected to report a slump in earnings exporters are feeling the squeeze from growing trade tensions between the u.s. and china and brags it has prompted many firms to hold fire on plant investments. now the past few months these clouds have been gathering over the german economy it appears the country is really heading towards an actual recession in june this year industrial output was down 1.5 percent compared to may that was a far bigger drop than expected compared to june of last year it was an even greater fall and that should be right here on this war right now which it isn't but the number i can tell you it's 5.2 percent the biggest decline since the financial crisis broke out a decade ago while factory orders up again as we reported tuesday the outlook for the german economy appears to be far from rosy industrial