made and one particularly after which we have seen far more devastation in the city of schenectady. while new york has a strong dam safety program place we did not know where when the next-door will occur and whether or the more intense than the last. i think we can't have a serious conversation about the safety of dams and levees another flood infrastructure without also addressing the impact of climate change and extreme weather. sea level rise and storm surge threatens infrastructure across our coast. increased amounts of precipitation due to hurricanes nor'easter's or other weather events threatens our dams and levees as well. first is the army corps provide any guidance to help with the potential impact of global climate changes into account when carrying out their program collects. >> senator thanks for the question and yes we certainly do provide capability. we have a lot of internal expertise. like i said earlier we have 5000 dam safety experts in the course or even in the new york district we have several districts to work in the state of new york that all of those people are there to pro