these women are no less disturbing than the women of klimt and schiele.inally, the brutality of picasso's treatment of his nudes has a savage, a self-consciously primitive aspect. once again, modern art and the whole range of so-called primitive arts, right outside the postrenaissance european tradition, are brought together discordantly, disruptively. picasso confronts his own society with a savage alternative made available by colonialism. at this time, picasso was leading a bohemian way of life-- sexually liberated, consciously antibourgeois. yet, ironically, in order to survive as an artist outside the academies, he needed the bourgeoisie. modern art would not have developed in the way it did without the patronage of a rising, wealthy middle class and without the network of art dealers which they fostered throughout europe. picasso and braque were taken up by a dealer called daniel-henry kahnweiler. he was intensely interested in modern art, especially cubism. prepared to wait for profits, he provided them with an income while buying all their work. p