. >> that long story short -- krauthammer's mother, thea, is from belgium. his father, schlum, was a real estate developer from what is now a province of ukraine, both jews who'd left world war ii europe. they met in havana, moved to rio, and eventually new york city, where charles was born in 1950. when he was 5, the krauthammers moved to montreal. but they spent summers at the family cottage in long beach, new york. charles recalls spending every day with his brother on the field, on the court, or in the water. >> i don't think i owned a shirt till i was 21. all the pictures, the family movies, my father is shirtless, my brother's shirtless, i am. we're outside in the sun. i read on the beach. that's where i got all my knowledge was reading. >> of course, there was reading and studying. schlum krauthammer, who spoke nine languages, even carried his son's stellar second grade report card around in his coat pocket. >> his motto for us was, "i want you to know everything. i want you to learn everything. you don't have to do everything, but you got to know everything." he though