petersburg is one of the greatest, schmitz. -- the director has held the position since 1992.'m pleased to have him back at the table. >> thank you. >> what does it mean to you, this museum? >> it is my home. i have grown up at this museum. my father was director. another thing is, it is a symbol of russian culture. it is a museum of world art. it is how russia appreciates european culture. it shows we are part of european culture. it is important to show to everybody that russia has many faces. >> take a look at this film. i will show you the trailer. is it different than the louvre? the prada and other museums? >> it is a great symbol of the nation. perhaps for russia, even more. it combines a great collection and the history of russia. you feel this history in all the rooms of the hermitage. you feel the history of russia, the russian empire. it is all connected. all the main events through history have done something to the hermitage. >> the centrality of catherine the great in creating the collection. >> she was quite an impressive woman. she was extremely clever. she was