rentingrted by schnell's family brewpub and he divorced from his partner and ended up purchasing schnell's. heurich married his widow, amelia, and build that brewery in that location, introducing lager beer, getting rid of the wheat beer, improving marketing, improving the marketing, forming relationships with area businesses so he can distribute his beer to them, and really turning into an operation. if you look at pictures of the brewery over those years you can , see how fast the changes were. part of what encouraged the larger buildings he ended up building on the site was the fact that he suffered multiple fires at that location. it was just a fact of life when you were brewing beer. any sort of business at the time, any home, had a potential hazard for fire being used to heat was being used to manufacture, boiled the mash for the beer. just a spark would cause something to erupt. there would be small and large fires there. there were a few fires that almost bankrupted him the damage was so great. luckily, by the last fire, he had built the business up enough and have enough capital t