if schonberg falls, all these troops to the front will be trapped up there. there is one third of one other regiment that would just be off this map to the side. as you get back to st. vith, schonberg, the one bridge, the the piece of high wooded ground about a mile to the east. and the town of st. vith. it is not a large town. in 1944, it has about 2000 inhabitants. bastogne has about 4000. and so it has been taken over not because these are great defense positions, but because this is where we ended up stopping in october. and we hate to have to go back to the west wall and try to capture it again. the morning of the 16th, german forces, the 18th has been patrolling heavily. has identified the new division in the area. they have identified the flanks and they will begin to come in through the flanks of the two regiments that will become trapped. by nightfall, they are coming up to two towns. one is adler, up on the road up here. the other one is in that area. at that point, the defense is still holding pretty well. the two regimens have only been hit by pat