oh-oyoy, ooiyu, and kul urzesh pa maean years of may, schu lesysh i pamiyali, parboku pravdai, kid yaku ste a little bit of lady? let's get back from drysvyatova near minsk. budaunitstva. at the new hut, the building was given its original meaning, everything was taken into account, and the month before the end of life, and the hour of birth, and the choice of the future. the first leaves of the cut were tied from this month, and here and there the music was painful, holy vugal, on which all the abrases hang. and all sorts of karst interests in the newly created new song of gennadz sarakvash and alexander gaiduk, we will now share. sasha, look, everything is fine, i suggest we move a little away from the template, let’s record unisons, a few unisons to make the vocal theme sound more dense, let's try it. what places do you want? you know, i propose to go through the entire song, like a dub, and choose, just to make it more dense for us, you are the leading singer, actress, tell me, at the moment , what are you focusing on, what are you focusing on? well, actually, probably first of all,