medicine will get the schumpetered. this is the last part you need to push this because it won't happen by accident. so that's again and that's why i put this book together. so this was an article march 10, just a few days ago, i think saturday. the article is web is awash in reviews but not for doctors to to get find a doctor on the way. you can find anything else. whatever you want, there's and useless, nothing to get doctors. nothing that is good to get information about doctors. and that is because it's a relatively protected, non-accountable community. nontransparent. so this "wall street journal" article from january, it says should physicians use enough to committee with patients? i read this, how can you ask this question? how can you ask a quick but then i found 62% of doctors still will not communicate with their patients through the meal. that's amazing to me. this is 2012. i was communicate with all my patients i think in 1995 by enough. that shows you in a way how ossified the medical community is. this is