so -- if -- if the premium, so, you are a member of sciu for instance. 100% paid by the employer. when -- since the $3, it's baked into the premium, the 100% is paid by the employer. and therefore, it is an accurate statement to say that that's paid for by the employer. we don't charge the individual because the individual has negotiated in the union negotiation to have their full benefits paid for by the employer. >> for certain union, right? >> only a few of the unions are still on that, and only a few unions are still on the 90/10. most of the unions have gone to the 93 --/93-93-83. >> so in the charter, for the charter amendment, the wellness, that is a wellness comes out of the trust. right? >> wellness comes out of the trust, to the extent that the wellness is, benefits all four employers. so, if, you know, if we are doing something that's solely for city employees only and the reti retirees are not participating and employees are not participating, we don't use that source of money. we did a look who is benefitting from the wellness programs, moved over to the general fund,