advocates who claim that their preferred designs have benefits for safety, proliferation or scommick mpetitiveness, such, reality is a lot messier. need it had investment needed both private and public investment in nuclear development should be focused on concepts that have the greatest chance of meeting goals for enhanced safety and security for economic viability. cutting through the hype and identifying best prospects is a major challenge. for this reason we need a thorough peer reviewed process to be part of any program that's going to provide supports whether at national labs or in the private sector. now, i would like to focus my remarks on s 2795 fundamentally we believe that nrc's regulations are not strong enough today to achieve the level of safety and security we need on the post fukesheema era. we don't agree that the licensing processes are too stringent somehow need to be weaken. some argue that nrc's competitiveness allowing countries like china to get ahead. but we think the opposite is true. the gold standard as senator carper has pointed out, is a good brand and so nrc's reputat