scooingg touccdown and & cutting theeleaddto 31-29.but theeteam's twoopoint connvrsion failld... ann the ravens addee a llte field goal. -3 baltimore took an intentional &psafety in the final seconds... and the final score... 4-31 ravees. 3 "it's everryhinn ou knoo, it's unbeliivable." &punbelievable." 3 aater tte game... coach pohn harbaugh said of the victory... "it's nevee preety. it's never perfect. tts us." 3 the ravens are officially he pest football team in tte country.and they get a big 33 baltimore's other sports champion. chammion.22::9:35 ""ongratuuattons man. congratulations. that as o (bleep))sick." sick."baltimore's own swimming superstar miccaellphelps took to the field immeeiatell after the win to hug the layerr.he saysswaaching the game was 3 guysscobineddmy mom and i were cryinn hard work does pay of mom and i were crying these guys cobined mm mom ann i were & cryiig hard work does pay of fand theeve done everrthign thee knnw whattit takes they did it &3 just seconds after the ravens claimed the super bowl the streets of melinda roed