to make every effort to seek a peaceful scotia nancy. i never thought best to bring all the puppies to the negotiating table. he wanted to find a peaceful solution to tell you how the government conceded which is recognized by the united nations has a seat in the united nations and in our house normal relations with the postman me going all the forces on the ground in studio but be happy patients the development of seedy the question must be addressed to those who are supporting candidates extremist forces inside studio. most of them either on our city. this is a band of extremists with two small blind one day the fighting in chechnya the other day that enough honest on the next thing you did that the pain in oct in yemen a in in various parts of the region and if this extremist and is not contained. then he will not be confined to the street and people should not sit happy. in the cup because of the dodo. just seems that these extremists up looking vehicle with in reach. this is an equal vote it's been going on here. i mean nine eleven