doctor 5 carlia without this renewed locked out and then with we've got the 5 tier system of scotland alyea but in wales the pursuit of what the costs suck at but i. do think that mr clifford and wales are going to have success of 1st minister and getting a grip on the virus for that suck up there are going to have to continue that over the longer period to get the virus under control i think a longer period is also required because wales is not an island within a 9 and and therefore whatever happens in england will translate into wales as well and therefore i personally would like a unified public health approach across all the nations it is unfortunate that we have a swan worsham in scotland northern ireland. wales and then in england. because wales is a very close neighbor of england and the population is in england there will be movements and when there are a movement whatever happens in england will also happen in wales therefore we need to synchronize the control measures in both the countries at the same time otherwise you are hurting one economy whilst the other economy creates all