in the scott amundsen station at the south pole jaco from santa is not feeling at home he can reach the ice cube on foot. to. come up to hell if there is not a full day for almost no wind summer temperatures of minus 30 degrees celsius glorious sunshine. sure the station is about 500 meters behind me and in front of me it's only about 500 meters to the ice cube laboratory we have since i'm going there now to see how our detector is doing it. too steve these rods and flags are the only parts of the ice cube you can see on the surface most of the detector lies one and a half kilometers beneath my feet of. ice cube is a superb neutrino detector a gigantic high tech ice cube. buried 2 and a half kilometers deep in the it turned all iosif the south pole. it's dark down there and diocese extremely pure. light is able to travel through ice cube without much scattering. the eye is of the telescope watch for the tiniest flashes of light 5200 photos senses register the weak lights of the particle traces which can travel many hundreds of meters through the ice. and. when light signals are discover