i will speak with scott stephenson, the ceo of risk assessment and data management firm averis.arts and want to check them out, go to gtv . this is bloomberg. ♪ alix: time for bottom line. we look at companies in sectors worth watching. today our focus is on business risk. ,oining me is scott stephenson verisk analytics ceo. specializes in insurance and financial services. i want to highlight something tighten is talking about. they are saying they see a long road to a post covid recovery. they see higher costs because of the covid and they see structural changes in their business. are you hearing that a lot from your customers? scott: yes. the primary thing i'm hearing from our customers, and i think this is partly a function of the fact we are a data analytics company and that is what we support our customers with, is i hear many companies knowing they need to become the better digital version of themselves. as they have gone through this moment and they have been forced into remote operations and they have felt the gears grinding, if they have felt the gears grinding, the