trivia, sarah and matt shot a pilot of this show with me, a proof of concept, episode zero with scott bannister, one of the original paypal mafia. stewart butterfield already had a successful company under his belt, flickr, by the time he invented the next, a company he called slack. and i admit, i did not really understand the point of slack at first. now, it worked out, a few years after this next interview, salesforce bought slack for $27 billion. >> tell me about slack. what is it about email that doesn't work that you are trying to solve? >> i want to be clear, it's email inside of an organization. so email in general will never go away or not go away in the next couple of decades, it's the lowest common denominator. if i want to get in touch with someone i don't work with email, if i want to send colleen an email, i will send her an email. so by organizing into slack channels or specific projects or features that you're going to launch, you get an ambient awareness. so to give you an example. we based slack on the irc, which is a very old protocol, predates the web, that we used when we w