earlier today, i spoke with the president of the oklahoma farmers union, scott blubaugh.lked about the farming industry and how corona is affecting america's food supply. scott blubaugh, welcome to the "the daily social distance show." >> hey, glad to be here. it's my pleasure. >> trevor: i'm so fascinated about this topic, and i'm so glad to be on the show because as obama and someone who is working with farmers, you can also. let's start with the more basic one. we're hearing about food shortages across the country, especially meat shortages. but at the same time, we're hearing that farmers have cows, farm version pigs, farm version the animals, what exactly is going on? >> well, i'll tell you, it's kind of a complex story. so in the early days of the coronavirus, we saw a distribution problem. and that was purely the distribution centers, such as walmart and the big retail chains, just couldn't get enough of the product to the stores in time. they couldn't get it on the shelves in time. the second phase of that, we saw our schools, you know, being shut down, restaurant