scott budnick, a former hollywood producer best known for "the hangover" franchise. today he's a prison whisperer of sorts. he says he's a regular face at 20 of california's 34 prisons, where he helps to rehabilitate robbers and murderers. >> i'm interested in anybody who wants to change. >> reporter: with 2.4 million people currently behind bars, the united states holds the highest number of inmates in the world. critics say much of this is because too many people are serving excessive sentences for acts that shouldn't be criminalized, like non-violent drug offenses. >> there's some dangerous people here that belong in prison, but we also use prisons to incarcerate people that not only are we scared of, but that we're mad at. >> thank you for having me. >> reporter: scott first embarked on this action a decade ago when a colleague invited him to attend a writing class in prison. >> i walked in with a bunch of kids facing their life in prison. i was in this hollywood bubble, and i realized that i had lost that desire to give back, and i wanted to reclaim it and recla