campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. >> scott: in the fact for flashback segment tonight, the nanny state on steroids? a recent investigative report by the cbs station in harrisburg, pennsylvania revealed that a single mother with two kids making $19,000 a year could get close to $82,000 in free government assistance from the feds and the commonwealth. bill sat down with the reporter who put the story together a few weeks ago talk about what he found out. >> bill: let's start with the $15,000 in free day care. who pays for that? >> well, that particular program, bill, that comes from the federal government. they send the money to the states and then here in pennsylvania the state matches about 100% of that. so that $15,000, the single mother of two making $19,000 is entitled to, that money comes from 50% federal and 50% state moneys. >> bill: okay. and then if the mom chooses to put her tykes into the head start program, it's another 13,400 so if has one tyke in head start and one tyke in day care, the total is $18,000, correct? >> it's a massive amount of money. now, if you talk to the peop