one more. >> scott dipiazza's losses mount. you got a little angry. >> rederick melton explains his anger. >>> the crimes grabbed headlines and shocked residents of grand rapids. the victims were all local college students living in a house together. three male victims were beaten and robbed. and a young woman was raped by the masked intruders. four men were arrested and are now in the kent county jail. three pled guilty. but rederick melton has pled not guilty. when we asked him about details of the female victim's description of one of her attackers, he shut us down. >> somebody dipping into my case? i think we're done here. put me in my room. somebody dipping in my case. i'm done. >> two weeks later, melton agreed to speak with us again. >> the last time we talked to you, you kind of got a little angry. >> yeah. >> what was that about? >> it was about, like, i felt that they went to other co-defendants to get questions to ask me, like as if i had did the rape, basically accusing me. you know? i got accused. so, yes. i got up