prosecutor, juan martinez, seized on a remark made in the notes of a psychologist who had interviewed scott falatern jail. a phrase scott used during their conv"unfgiest it? do. >> jnhe bigstthis, that somehow yarmila had committed some kind of a horrible something, suggesting unfaithfulness by yarmila. he kept grinding on that for motive. >> when you say unforgivable sin, it suggests she had cheated on scott falater, but that's really not the case, is it? >> i'm not suggesting anybody committed the sin of adultery. i can't get into mr. falater's head and look to see what he considered to be an unforgivable sin. it is his phrase. >> so when you uttered the word unforgivable sin, what did you mean? >> i felt that perhaps i had committed the unforgivable sin by killing yarm. >> during the six-week trial, the jury heard testimony from 52 witnesses. 180 court exhibits were marked and put into evidence. but it took only eight hours of deliberations before the jurors sent word to the judge they had a verdict. >> we, the jury, duly impanelled and sworn in the above-entitled action, upon our oaths do find