. >> okay, thank you we'll go to scott horsely. >> thank you, mr. chairman scott horsely from npr i wonder if you can give us an update on the coin shortage that you talked to lawmakers about last month what, if anything, that tells us about the sort of economic circulatory system. >> so the situation with coins is the quantity of coins is going up, but was adequate before the pandemic. the problem is the circulation kind of stopped because tors were closed, banks were closed, customers weren't spending the coins stopped moving in the system so we've been working every since that began to happen -- we saw it happening right away. we've been working to try to reverse that disruption of the supply chain and restore normal circulation with our coins we're working with u.s. mint, issuing authority, to address the issue. just last week the mint, as you may have seen, issued the statement asking for the public's health keeping coins circulating and various people put their coins back in circulation. we created a coin task force with all the stakeholders,