the artist here that was selected through the competition is scott oliveira. he is originally from reading and what is incredible is he spent over three weeks on the plaza interviewing many of you, three questions. where are you headed right now? where were you born? and where would you like to go? i think for a transit hub like this, it makes a perfect conceptual concept to share this incredible story of the people that use and inhabit the space here and what is really exciting as all of the arrows point to the real place to. they are actually directional signage if you ever need to find yourself at the corner store. or to lands end, or the department of motor vehicles. we want to congratulate scott oliver. there will be a little celebration here on saturday night. we encourage you to come back and celebrate this great work of art. congratulations to all of our colleagues in the city and for the committee champions who made this possible. >> thank you. thank you. and it takes a lot of people to do these projects. the community, all the city agencies, all the