scott samuelson we have a lot of respect for. dave huzinga, a superb manager position. so all the way up and down the chain we are putting in place what we believe is a very good team. and because of the importance of this project, a lot of these discussions go right into my office. i've spoken to the coo of the head contractor, bechtle, riley bechtle, probably now four times in my office on making sure he, too, has an a-team as the contractor. and from my discussions with the people on the ground, they say that bechtle has also been doing their job in trying to get the right people there. >> thank you to that level of detail. u think that is what it takes. i've often said you should make the energy secretary till life or until hanford is cleaned up just so we don't continue to change horses in the stream. but can i get your viewpoints on whether we can dispose of military waste first? what we don't want is hanford to become a de facto site for 90% of the storage. the commission was in here, blue ribbon commission a few weeks ago. senator domenici basically threw out on