scott, good morning. >> hey, al. norbert schafer from norwalk.e they are sensational. this is odesser marsh from elizabeth city, north carolina, 101 years old today. beautiful lady. her favorite dessert -- mine, too -- is ice cream. this is edwin jakusz from lacrosse, wisconsin. 100 years old today. his favorite motto in life is always have something to look forward to. >> let's go over to tamron with our favorite pull-up guy. >> he broke the record monday. we introduced you to ironman. he is back with guinness world record official alex anger. suspense no more. >> i got 4,210 in 12 hours. >> so you broke the record? >> the 12 hour and 24-hour record. >> you were in the zone. there was a moment i got a little worried. were you worried at any point? >> i was worried. my biceps, kind of got the john cena biceps. >> show your hands to the audience. blisters. don't get too close. he has blisters all over. you kept going through the pain. >> yeah. my hands weren't too bad. gave me a little scare but i got through it. >> you did. alex, it's official, r