scott schafer has that interview. >> secretary padilla, thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> you bet. so 2014 was not a good year, a record low turnout for voters. why aren't people voteing? >> i think there is a lot of reasons why people who are eligible to register haven't register and people who are registered voters haven't turned out to vote. there are studies, surveys and polls and it is a combination of factors. a lot of disconnected from government, does my vote really make a difference. but believe it or not, there are a lot of mechanical reasons for why people don't vote. a big part of the voter universe out there isn't aware that election day is coming up because they aren't watching cnn. they're not getting all the mailers in the mailbox. even if they do know an election is coming up, they may not be paying close enough attention to know where their polling place is or things of that nature. >> i know you're taking some steps to change some of those things. but if you look at the 6 million-plus people who are eligible to vote but aren't registered, they're