- i got 'em from scott tenorman. - scott tenorman-- the ninth grader?♪ ♪ i got pubes before you guys ♪ ♪ ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ♪ - cartman, you are so goddamn stupid, it's unbelievable. - ah-ha, don't be jealous, guys. this doesn't mean we can't still hang out. it just means that i matured faster than you. you'll get your pubes, guys, someday. - cartman, you don't buy pubes, you grow them yourself. - wh-what? - when you get old enough, you grow your own pubic hair that's attached to you, you [bleep] dumb-ass! - nah-ah. - yeah-huh. - but then why would scott tenorman sell me his pubes for $10? - because, retard, you're dumb enough to buy scott tenorman's pubes for $10. - you're telling me these pubes are worth nothing? - yeah. - i'm gonna get that son of a bitch. - and so i told him, i say, "here, i'll sell you my pubes for only 10 bucks." and the stupid asshole buys them. [both laughing] speak of the devil. what do you want? - uh, yes, i've come to return these pubes that i purchased, please. - unh-uh, i don't take returns. - right, but you see, i didn