this is scott tillman, jared holt and this is john santos.y're all dead-- they all communicated with cheerchik15. what? yeah, that's right, they were given an address of a house to meet on the day they were murdered. this is a chat with santos. santos: "what are you wearing?" cheerchik15: "wouldn't you like to know? lol." that's enough, mr. eppes... santos: hold on. "can i come over?" cheerchik15: "parents are away for weekend. i'll get pretty for you." santos: "i'll be there." yeah, yeah, that's my user name, but it's not me. right. you going to tell me it wasn't you three months ago? huh? god, you don't know what this is about, do you? no, i get it. i understand-- it's payback for what happened to your daughter, isn't that it? my daughter? i mean, it makes sense. i think there is a serious mistake... because you couldn't protect her... you're the ones who couldn't protect her! what? the guy who lured her out was on parole. i belong to a group called parents stop predators. we go online to chat rooms, we pretend to be teens and we have these