jam game, scottie pippen and mugsy bowes.i went with scottie pippen, if i wanted to play the cheapos, i played with mugsy bowes. thank you for being on the show and thank you for writing the book, man. it's been a really amazing journey getting to know who you are as a human being. let's start with the light side of scottie pippen. what i found really interesting about you is starting with the life that you lived. you had to really get over so many hurdles in life. you come from a big family. you come from a family that went through a lot of struggles. you talk about your brother and him being paralyzed at a young age. you talk about your dad suffering a similar fate but from a very different standpoint. when you look at that journey that scottie pippen had, you know, you had to maic decisions in life and you had to become a really resilient person. what do you think it was that gave you the fortitude to get through the things that you got through to get to where you got to. >> i would say it's my parents to see the life they