you can get the link at scotus blog. but he is the lawyer who set the stage for marriage equality with his victory in 2003. in lawrence versus texas. on my far right is sarah warbelow, the leader of a team of lawyers focused on state and local policies and coordinating efforts on lgbt issues. we are going to start with paul. we are going to talk about the cases and look forward at what the case is might mean for the future. paul will take us back to 1972 and baker versus nelson. then he will talk about how he got from baker versus nelson to the defense of marriage act during the clinton administration. mr. smith: it is a long road. a lot of people ask how we get to marriage equality and the reality is we have been working hard for a long time. you want to have a starting point. that is bigger versus nelson in 1972, in which the court was asked to recognize the right of a same-sex couple to marry. they dismissed the appeal. it was a one line rejection of the claim. this was at a time when we were not in the stone age, at