by buying a fridge that got scratcha at the wholesale for 350 bucks, i saved myself a 12 thousand dollars solar investment. that was by far the cheapest thing i could do. when you are thinking about making your investments in your home think about what the real cost is going to be. >> we are talking about saving electrical energy one way is to change light bulbs and that's a high priority it's one of the things you might first do it's cheap and easy and reduces the number of times you have to get up on the ladder you might save yourself in the long run. there are other uses that are pervasive this little thing people call a wall wart. >> vampire. >> in my house we have a couple dozens how many do you have? >> i have 4 or 5 in my house. >> these are drawing power all the time. >> all the time. >> is that right? >> anything that's got electronics in it stereo or tv or your dish washer or clothes washer anything with buttons or lights or electronic button is drawing power out all times. as an example we have a tv a small tv set draws 50 watts. i put a watt meter on it when it was off it was