to make their increasing access to cancer screenings screenin, preventive care care, so justin a few months they have already seen a dramat turnaround. john:'' -- what will be up to those private benefits was a report i did years ago on the jersey city water department. >> city's water departments have let the pipes rust in jersey city and are so bad sometimes it failed its own test and kept getting more expensive than did not taste good. th told the mayor there was not much they could not do they could not slow the price increase. >> can't you get the cost down? they said know it cannot be done. and answer good -- heard everywhere so he put the water contract up for a bid and a for-profit company one id within months they had fixed the pipes the government could not. >> how you trust said drinking water? >> the water is safer -- safer and cleaner for the first time in years it that the highest standards for less money. the private company save taxpayers more than $100 million. some private companies aree3 bad as yours could be sang i am just cherry picking but the difference is that