the night see scruton ox i see that hoss and i used to teach to make any very easy and also to make squat trotsky's to all case will come to school on time and if the opposite. sex. since. the globe it. evens. is who the fuck. this. but he is a unique public servant he's a village schoolteacher the career he chose over joining the army. the teaching is enhanced by dance and he's just launched his own foundation. the already plans to spread his message far beyond gonna. bring into every classroom in the world. this is that she is. behind my house and she said. i cantin and she has the. wire tissue from where. and this is very farms. and mining to show who. is if he's good. for. these things. throughout filth and who. he's. the only one who. you're dealing with. 2 guys from different school and. bread from dirt or there will have been going to. be. as i learned to love interaction with case. this. you know. you can't. think. this is my school. this is school it's full bore grades me. this is my school. my keys. come in me to me when i'm coming. then that obviously. i just asked you. last. i