scscty, do you still have phaser power? aye, but what-- lock all banks on the coordinates of the energy field you located down here. on my command, commence firing on those coordinates. aye, sir, but they won't penetrate that force field. if my guess is correct, they won't have to. stand by. please. in energ readings are getting weaker, captain. y transmi, as though vaal were trying to draw on other sources. tapping its energy cells. i would assume so. good. the ship's pulling away must have weakened it considering it has to be fed, but its reserve capacity could hold out for days. if it had to reinforce its energy field to ward off a phaser attack, it would have to draw more heavily on its reserves. scotty. scott here, sir. scotty, commence firing and maintain. mr. kyle, all phasers commence firing. rce his energy field. good. let's see how long he can do it. [thunder] no power generation at all, captain. vaal is dead. mr. scott, status report. tractor beam gone. potency returning to antimimter pods. i'll have all engineer