'sdeath, to be out-witted, to be out-jilted, to be out-matrimonied. if i had kept my speed like a stag, 'twere somewhat, but to crawl after, with my horns like a snail, to be outstripped by my wife, 'tis scurvy wedlock. then shake it off. you have often wished for an opportunity to part, and now you have it. but first prevent their plot. the half of millamant's fortune is too considerable to be parted with to a foe, to mirabell. damn him. that had been forfeited, had they been married. my wife had added luster to my horns with that increase of fortune. they may prove a cap of maintenance to you still, if you can away with your wife. the means, the means? discover to my lady wishfort your wife's conduct with mirabell. threaten to part with her. my lady loves her and will come to any composition to save her reputation. and if she should flag in her part, i will not fail to prompt her. faith, this has an appearance. well, how do you stand affected towards your lady? why, faith, i'm thinking of it. let me see. i'm married already, so that's over. my wife