@sdpips win 74-60. @finished the season 24-17. @ken state is the 5 seat. @tomorrow night don't miss sports @tonight. @we get set for the mack @tournament. @cavs plus ohio state wrestling. @don't miss sports night tomorrow @night at 11:30. @everybody. @>> thanks dave @>>> coming up after the break we @are getting you in shape this @weekend. @trainer nick shows us how to @change up our routine by putting @two exercises together. @that's next. @>>> but first let's send it @over to kerry who has the @forecast. @>> it's going to change for the @better. @for your extended forecast we'll @show you a lot warmer @temperatures. @ @>>> if you are bored with your @same old work out routine @trainer nick shows us how to @switch it up by combining two @exercises in this morning's @weekend warrior. @>> welcome to the weekend @warrior. @today i'm going to show you a @method of trains that's called @super setting. @when you take two exercises and @you put them together without @rest. @it feels really good. @so we have going on right here @the flat dumbbell chest press. @sh