wiih is free teens often have dozens of apps on their ell phones pnd parents typically don't seaach througg all of them. so what is a parent to do? ((fullscreen) well yyu should try to keep up with the technologybut experts say that is often a losinn battle since kids are usually one step ahead. instead parents should talk with their kids about their texting and online activvties experts urge pprents to especially point out the ocial and even say limit their cell phone usuage at night((bring video back ii)) you cannplace curfews on your children's cell phone and aatually take them and place tteephooe on a charger in your room. it's a habit experrs say could lead tt far fewer sleeppess nights.... joy lepola fox 455 news at ten... &pthe teaching starrs at a - reallyyyoung age...they begin teachiig students as young as kindeegarttners....tte consequences of making pooor decisiins on the computer. how about 100-dollars in free g? gas?we're giving it aaay.we're drawing a name for our royyl farms gas gveaway...in about an hour! pour!but first...the ooioles are playyng like it's 19-99... whht they