. >> if you look at the seachange in chinese environmental policy in the last three or four years, i remember sitting in the room with president obama and chancellor merkel, 20 other global leaders in copenhagen five years ago. we tried to bring about a global agreement on climate change. it did not work. i went to copenhagen. i have a t-shirt that says, i survived copenhagen. for a while, anyway. >> life after being a prime minister. >> yeah. political exile in the u.s. [laughter] it is a good place to be in exile. when i contrast the position chinese negotiators took then on climate change, to where they are now, the shift has occurred because of the combination of air pollution and its partner in crime, greenhouse gases. the science is in within china. they know it is happening and they see the evidence. if, to start with, you only had 10-12% of your country constituting arable land and it becomes degraded through the absence of water, pollution into the soil, other factors, this has brought about a seachange in chinese policies. the world will wait with anxiety because china is n