whatever happened to sean astin i don't mean these he's around his son is that a great career you know what yes and. i think i'm going to go is really for hollowing this year and this coming year is if you're going to be ready those are good movies great movie and i would that's a role i would love to play jimbo sly's twenty three wants to know your favorite episode of entourage favorite episode of odds is the sundance episode we shot an episode at sundance early early on it was the first time we became famous after half a kind of doing episodes outside of l.a. and that was the first trip we took outside of l.a. to go shoot and finally jay rambo one twenty three via instagram what are your favorite nike sneakers of all time of all time are you a nike sneakers i am i would have to go just jordan once during one says why do i know she lines at them at the store because i mean that in the middle of the only thing i have people go not how do they know when is a new sneaker come all it's talked about for months before it's almost like the opening of oh where on the into on the internet you