in our time, says sean clegg, whose group created the video, the point is attention. >> most politicalare still stuck in the era of walter cronkite, the mega-tar ad is designed for the era of jon stewart and youtube. >> reporter: but veteran republican campaign strategists warn there's a danger. >> there is a fine line between an ad that is sufficiently unique to reinforce the argument and an ad that is so unique and so pecular that it distracts from it. >> reporter: it's too soon to know whether these avatar ads will have any real impact, but if they do, there's just no telling where it might lead. jeff greenfield, cbs news, new york. >>> just a few months ago, americans were scrambling for h1n1 flu vaccine. well, not anymore. the cdc now says of that the 230 million doses made, only about 91 million have been used. 70 million of the leftover doses may be dumped if they're not used before they expire. most of the rest will go to poor countries or to storage. >>> and straight ahead, your friday morning weather. also, in sports, dayton beats mighty north carolina and the flyers celebrat