and sean fraser, they've all up to. it's time for you to go. it's 5 will turn it up and watch it. you're not the king. yeah, so a lot of it's related to this massive budget holding candid or unable. the results are basically it's, it's all coming from the ship loads of cash sent to key of since february 2022 kind of as well. can we have a 19 bailey and the key of including for an off bailey in the military gear. and all of this has been done with the blessing of an alf, former canadian finance ministry. the canadian john was inactive as the bank, as, as chris are freelance policies have a common theme, rooted in what he says is a very dog that cost an essential part. her father was a nazi propaganda or grandfather should i say was an assay propagandist during world war 2. she is somebody who has been of there, she was a former foreign minister and she was very hock is very and i try to rush of much before the, the invasion because she was actually going back to her and 18 she was trying to undermine the soviet union tried to break of you turn away from the soviet union back in lat