>> good morning, sean kegren, rba. i want to add some historical context. about five years ago, the department began an expensive and exhausting bpr process. that process came up with a list of goals, objectives, and recommendations, performance standards for the department. naturally, some of those goals and objectives took more resources. that led to a conversation about an increase in fees. there were hearings here, and at the time, there was a compromise -- to be blunt about it -- increase in fees for increase in services. that is how it was sold to the industry. we have been paying our fees but we have not quite got the service. shortly after, the economic collapse occurred. there was a need for change. this department went through a very difficult time, and we understand, cuts needed to be made. but now that we are beyond that, now that the financial winds seem to be changing, it is important that we wrap up this department and we do it in a prudent and responsible fashion. this department and the commission has a commitment to the industry, to its st