joining me now is sean moran, a border patrol agent in san diego, and spokesman for the border patrol union. mr. moran, thank you for joining us. >> it's good to be here, thank you. >> how is the new directive of the homeland security department affect how you do your work? >> the biggest changes we're going to see, one, the hiring of 5,000 new border patrol agents to supplement our operations. and then also, the changes in policy, most notably what is termed as catch-and-release where the vast majority of people we apprehend are allowed to stay in the united states. >> they're allowed to remain in the united states pending their immigration hearings, correct? >> in some cases. some they are released because they're not deemed a priority for removal under obama era policies. so that's going to change where we will be able to remove them, and have them brought back to their country of origin. >> you've been a border patrol agent for 20 years. how does the trump administration and the way it's been carrying out its policies on immigration affect you and your ability to do your work, and