also this weekend on "after words," sean naylor provides a history of the joint special operations command in conversation with washington post investigative reporter dana priest. republican presidential candidate and former neurosurgeon ben carson has a new book out, "a more perfect union." in it he weighs in on current social and political issues. and john carl and mary loomen suggest ways to reform america's prison system. also this weekend lillian faderman, anne marie slaughter talks about her vision of male and female equality, and marian nestle reports on soda politics. for a complete schedule visit booktv, 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors. television for serious readers. >> host: we are joined now by gene theo harris who is the author of the rebellious life of rosa parks. prior to december 1, 1955, was rosa parks rebellious? >> guest: absolutely. and her rebellious spirit really starts as a young person, as a kid. for instance, she grows up in a home with her grandparents and her mother. her grandfather -- after world war ii there's this uptake of klan violence i