. -- sean patrick. i have been here for 11 years, and my wife has lived on this block of peralta all her life. i would like to see this empty lot of some property built on it. i do not like empty lots in the neighborhood. i would be a supporter of a project in context with the rest of the week. i recently had work done on my property. i met with the neighborhood. i feel this has not been the case with the proposed project and the goal is to push through a project they note is not consistent with the rest of the street. they did not get the approval of the design review board, nor did they have meetings with the neighbors. the building size creates a dwarfing effect on property surrounding it, apart from the fact that the property is not consistent with the street in design. but they are proposing is an apartment building with 11 buildings. they are trying to squeeze for families into a space for two, with vertical mast and book. as ridiculous as it sounds, they want to put all the parking in one buildin