former white house aides including ousted deputy chief of staff katie walsh, personal bodyguard keith shiller and former smokesman sean spicer on the payroll of the 2020 re-election campaign to a super pac. people may not realize, if you and i leave a job, we typically leave the organization. in the trump orbit it's a little more complicated. >> it certainly is. that's why we saw in omarosa's case the offer of her so sign one of these agreements seemed very clear that they were trying to buy her silence. some of this is a little more nebulous but you're right, there's super pacs, the campaign, the trump business, friends of the president where all of these former staffers can go to work. again, it doesn't necessarily mean that there's something improper, but in general the closer you stay to an orbit and the more likely you are to be getting paid by an entity affiliated with the president or his company or his campaign, the less likely you are to go out and trash him which is exactly what he wants to avoid. >> ashley, good to talk to you. thank you for joining us. "washington post" white house reporter ashley parker.