one reason is they don't want to be seen as a quitter, let our colleagues down seanez knuckling under, folding under pressure and so it. other times the reason may be for practical. they've got 10 years to go, five years ago, two years ago. and want to get tested, get their full pension and lee. what happens is you officers who really are at best hosting, and the worst underperforming on the job because they're just too burned out to for dramatically. how they got the whizz whole different issue. what might be considered as opposed to an either or retirement plan is perhaps a flexible type of retirement system whereas if you are careful 20, you get your full benefits but perhaps there's a stepwise non-stigmatized with retiring at 15, 10, so one of which is some partial retirement benefit but do not proceed as a burnout case. doesn't have to be done on the basis of a disability. and, therefore, officers who really for whatever reason god bless them, cannot do the job anymore, they have a safe way of leaving law enforcement and not being after and perhaps creating a liability for the ag