. >> with the breakdown of the talks on the debt seasoceiling,t is your confidence the deadline will be met? >> i am confident we will come up with something, but i am concerned about the process. we have to increase the debt ceiling regardless of what we do for long-term fiscal health. if we're going to deal with long-term fiscal health, there are two things are obvious. we've had a significant decrease in revenue. in 2000, it was 21% of gdp. the last to the years, it has been less than a 15%. you cannot look at the size of deficit as a revenue has nothing to do with it. it has to be on the table. entitlements and federal employees retirement and health care, all in that is 55% of the budget. with one party saying entitlements cannot be on the table. the other is saying taxes cannot be on the table. we're not serious about the deficit when we're having the conversation. both things have to be on the table. we should not hold the debt ceiling hostage to that discussion. >> thank you for being with us this week. we just spoke with congressman adam smith, the top democrat on the armed